Wednesday, January 1, 2014


can a writer be honest on her blog easier than in real life? Can i say the things here that I just wouldn't to a group of friends, even my closest in a public setting. Sometimes, that answer is yes. I guess I come from a family that did a lot of hiding. One that just didn't talk about the pink and purple and neon green elephants that constantly shared our space with us. It's the old 1950's slogan, that if you just don't talk about it, it's not really there. Or something like that. However, we live in an age where people are starting to, if not yelling about, family issues and truth. Often, in a very satirical way. I remember in my home it began with the Simpson's and this silly show called "The Dinosaur's". Since then we have seen many more develop. Family Guy, King of the Hill, Tosh 2.0, South Park, etc. etc. etc. And the list goes on and on and on.
My dad HATED these shows.
"They show the breakdown of the American family." This coming from a man who was at the time fooling around behind my mom's back. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
However, I took his point of view seriously until I began to watch these shows from an open minded perspective.  Humor. A late bloomer to the satire age, I found myself enjoying these shows immensely because they spoke of the truth of life that no one was willing to speak of. The hush hush conversations.
So, fast forward to now. A time when we don't really hold the hush hush at bay, but rather display it in front of any audience that will listen. I'm not sure we have reached the pendulum swing I was once looking for, because by this new and what seems to be brave world, I am blushed. I was raised by a three generational husher of a mom. Blushing is part of the hush world, BTW.
How can one say out loud with boldness, humility and heart...LISTEN, I'm in pain and I need help? Or I need to be heard? Or can I have a hug? WITHOUT being needy or scared of ridicule and embarrassment?

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