Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This is how I would like to have my hair look as it grows out. I think it's adorable and although my face isn't as long as hers, as it continues to get skinnier i twill do well with my face shape. If I do say so in my professional opinion. Speaking of my professional opinion, I love that part of my job. The moment when I get to share with someone what I know. And not because I am all knowing or it kicks my ego into high gear, but simply because I have knowledge to share that can possibly help you.
There is a lesson to be learned here that I would like to point out today. Remember that you are always in a learning opportunity. Honestly I try with all of my might to view every opportunity as a learning one, but sometimes my own pride can get in the way. Get rid of pride when learning. It does nothing but hinder you.
*side story: The summer of 1997 I worked at a sports camp in Western PA, which ironically is where I am living currently. One day during a pep talk I heard this story and I have never forgotten it.

Visual aid: a bucket of water, a sponge and a rock
The bucket is opportunity. It can be empty or full of water. Water symbolizes wisdom.
Drop in the rock, it may make a big splash, but once you take it out, it's still only a rock. Nothing has transformed the rock. The wisdom, drips right off. Drop in the sponge and watch what happens. It changes shape. It soaks up the water. When you take the sponge out, it can be rung out and shared with others everywhere.
simple story all to a sponge people.
To be a sponge, one has to remove pride, and remain humble. My mentor defines humility as a right view of oneself. And that is the topic for tomorrow...
enjoy "spongehood"

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